Not satisfied with the beating and killing of their own countrymen, now the mob turn their ire upon people from half way across the world. Up to 100 Romanian people, about 20 families, were forced to flee their homes as racial hatred reared its ugly head in south Belfast. Police used a minibus to evacuate the people from their homes in fear of reprisals for an earlier anti-racism march that had taken place. The families are being cared for in a Church overnight.
The scenes, reminiscent of Nazi Germany, being played out in the Lisburn road area of Belfast, should be condemned and the people responsible brought to bear for hate crimes, and prosecuted under the full extent of the law. This makes me wonder which Triangle are these people going to have to wear?
Christy Moore. Yellow Triangle. YouTube. Click on picture.
Picture of Romanian newspaper seller Belfast 2009
The Prehistory of the Crisis (II)
Susanne Bosch, Anthony Haughey, Daniel Jewesbury and Sinead McCann