Dé Luain 23 Márta 2009

Police and Thieves

What is it that drives young men to attack the elderly? Over the last two months the papers seem to be filled with headlines detailing atrocious attacks on pensioners. The victim in the latest of these attacks was a 95 year old man from the Beechmount area. I knew the man personally, and was shocked and dismayed that a man who has worked all his life to make a living is attacked by five thugs, who probably never worked a day in their lives, for what amounts to 'carry out' money stolen from an old man.
Over the last few years the people of Beechmount and other areas have been under attack, not from a foreign enemy, but a domestic one. The people have had enough and stood up in protest against the so called 'hoods', but their voices seem to be lost in the other more pressing matters of Government such as waging war in Iraq, and paying off their buddies in the banking industry. Now, if thousands of people marching across the North calling for an end to the violence over the last few weeks, is what it takes for the government to listen, can the same not be applied to calling for peace in the streets, and an end to the violence perpetrated against the elderly of the nation?

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